
ViewClust: Early Days

and its cousin ViewClust-Vis!


In the early days of working for SHARCNET, my colleague and I decided to standardize how cluster metrics were computed across our internal data frames. As mentioned in a previous post, part of the solution was pandas.

The second part was to figure out how to deploy the package for others to contribute to, as well as install on their own specific HPC clusters. Some quick searching of course revealed PyPi and pip were the way to go.

To make a long story short, here’s some references that made it super easy and approachable:

The package is still in use today inside of SHARCNET and has also received development support from WestGrid, Calcul Quebec, as well as MILA.

ViewClust can be found on GitHub, here. Its cousin package ViewClust-Vis can be found here, which implements several summary figures.