
Conquering the Scheduler

... or maybe any scheduler?


Coming from a slightly different angle this time, I found that researchers were often isolating themselves to less (strictly fewer!) resources on HPC systems by not investigating what the node feature mixture looked like.

As such this talk was created to help direct potentially abstract development efforts towards optimizing for which feature sets are most available on a HPC cluster.

Below is my abstract for the talk as well as the recording:

“Determining the optimal job configuration for a given workload on HPC systems can be a difficult problem. Researchers often have different job needs, different responsiveness requirements, and different scales. This webinar will discuss these differences and how to investigate making the scheduler as responsive as possible. Topics will include whole node scheduling, by core MPI jobs, GLOST, META, and more. This presentation will assume basic knowledge of job submission, and the Linux environment. Practical examples will be discussed and used as introductions to new tools to maximize performance on the general purpose systems. Open questions will be allowed at the end of the seminar.”